I knew the day was coming; it had to. You look at them and they are so tiny and you wonder to yourself "what do I do". First teeth, crawling, pre-school, the big yellow school bus, homework, boys, sports, jobs, ACT tests and college applications. All came down to today. Her last day at high school. And yes, I'm a big snotty mess as I am typing this. Hermit Crab is just that-she would rather read a book, listen to music or watch movies than hang out with a bunch of people. She has her BFF Jesse. Her class is only 34, so she has known a large portion of the kids since they were 3 and started in pre-school; some have come in and out of their lives at school. She knows everyone. While I have had issues with several girls in her class (how dare you exclude my daughter from your sleepover/birthday party/bonfire) she took it in stride and said whatever. She never let it get her down or detract her from her goal. I read her yearbook signatures and almost everyone told her how they wouldn't have made it through math/science/English/history without her help. Wow, that made me prouder than I could have ever imagined. She came home with her sister and her sister's BFF and got suits and went to beach to celebrate (her poor sister has 4 more days left). She brought in her contents of her locker, her yearbook and her 8 awards she received at their ceremony practice today. She also got her copy of the Senior Letters. Everyone wrote a letter to the class and then every senior got a copy. They also vote on "Most Likely to" and their wills (what they are leaving to the underclassmen) and the "Prophecies". Apparently my daughter will her ability to over-achieve to a Junior (she knew it would be wasted on her younger sister), she is most likely to be an author and her prophecy was "will go to school to be the next Sven Sundgarrd, but will drop out to be a 'Twilight' groupie". Sven is a popular meteorologist here in the Twin Cities. It was fun to see her through the eyes of other people.
Here is our Hermit Crab

I don't know how I will make it through her ceremony on Saturday. Anyone have any ideas?
Tamilyn- You bring tears to my eyes.. She is a beautiful young lady. You should be so proud.. You obviously did a wonderful job as mom! Now pass the tissues.
Good luck! I barely made it through my oldests Kindergarten graduation last year--I'm not ready for the big leagues yet!
Ummm, tissues, tissues, that's how you will make it through!
it goes by so fast....
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